Yoseikan JUJUTSU – Edgar Kruyning

1st International SEMINAR in Asturias

The Tai-Jitsu Club of Llanera, in collaboration with the Llanera City Council and the Asturian Karate Federation and Associated Disciplines, is organizing the first visit of Master Edgar Kruyning to Asturias.

This seminar primarily aims to pursue the continuous exploration of the roots and perfection of our Tai-jitsu. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for all martial artists to learn about the physical, technical, and philosophical principles of the Yoseikan school, guided by one of the most highly accredited martial artists worldwide.

Edgar Kruyning


  • 8º Dan Jujutsu
  • 8º Dan Judo
  • 7º Dan Aikido
  • 6º Dan Kobudo
  • 5º Dan Yoseikan Budo
  • 5º Dan Iaido
  • 5º Dan Aikibudo
  • 5º Dan Karate
  • 3º Dan Wado Ryu Karate
  • Cinturón Negro de Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


  • Judo B Instructor
  • Aikido B Instructor
  • Kyoshi of Yoseikan
  • Yoseikan Instructor
  • Jujutsu Instructor
  • Martial Arts Instructor
  • Kickboxing Instructor
  • Katori Shinto Ryu Mokuro Chuden


Edgar Kruyning was born on August 16, 1969, in Utrecht, Netherlands. He began his martial arts training at the age of 13 in Wado-Ryu Karate at the Budo Center Ju Sei Do, where he also practiced disciplines such as Judo, Aikido (Aikibudo), Ju-Jutsu, and Ken-Jutsu. During his learning years, he participated in numerous competitions and expanded his knowledge in Muay Thai.

In 1987, during a martial arts seminar, he met Minoru Mochizuki Sensei, for whom he was allowed to perform a demonstration, a great honor in the world of Budo. That same year, he also met Goro Hatakeyama Sensei, director of the Katori Shinto Ryu school under Yoshio Sugino Sensei, who invited him to train in Japan. Before traveling to Japan, Edgar visited Thailand to further develop his Muay Thai skills.

In Japan, Edgar was formally introduced to the Thenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu school under Yoshio Sugino Sensei and the Yoseikan Hombu Dojo of Minoru Mochizuki Sensei, a rare opportunity for a foreigner. Over time, he became an uchi-deshi (live-in student) of Minoru Mochizuki Sensei during several periods, accumulating 15 years of direct learning.

He also trained at the Kodokan in Tokyo, the birthplace of Judo, and at the Shizuoka Prefectural Keimusho Dojo, a dojo for training prison guards. Edgar participated in international demonstrations, including the 5th International Exhibition of the Nihon Budo Kokusai Renmei (International Federation of Japanese Budo), and had the honor of accompanying Yoshio Sugino Sensei in a demonstration of prominent sword styles in Yokohama.

In France, Edgar worked on Aikibudo and Katori with Alain Floquet and trained extensively with Hiroo Mochizuki, son of Minoru Mochizuki.

In Kickboxing, he trained under Huib Boersma and at Mejiro Gym in Amsterdam, and in Thailand, he participated in specialized training camps.

His experience in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu includes instruction from Carlos Toyota and other prominent teachers, further enriching his vast martial arts knowledge.


Edgar was appointed as the representative of Budo Yoseikan in the Netherlands by Minoru Mochizuki. He continued his Judo training under Chris de Korte (9th Dan) and contributed to educational materials, including Judo Kata videos for the Dutch Judo Federation (JBN). In 2008, he co-authored the book “Busen Judo Kata” with Chris de Korte.

In 1997, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records (Benelux) for his exceptional martial arts achievements.

In 2000, he received the prestigious title of Kyoshi from Minoru and Hiroo Mochizuki, a highly rare honor, and in 2007, Edgar was awarded the Royal Order of Oranje Nassau for his contributions to Budo.


Edgar directs the Budo Academy Physical in Ede, Netherlands, and offers Uchi Deshi (intensive live-in training) programs for martial arts students. He focuses on the technical, physical, and mental development of his students, leveraging the diverse aspects of Budo. Additionally, he authored the book “Balans vinden in jezelf” (Balance Within Yourself), which explores the philosophical principles of Budo and their application to daily life.

Edgar Kruyning remains a key figure in Budo research and teaching, guiding his students through the technical, physical, and philosophical journey of martial arts.

(*) Imágenes en video extraidas de “Martial Arts Elite”.

Seminar Program

Friday, 28th March (afternoon)

16:00 h a 18:00 h

Practical Self-Defense

19:30 h a 20:30 h

Conference “Life as Minoru Mochizuki Sensei´s Uchi Deshi”

Saturday, 29th March (morning and afternoon)

10:30 h a 13:30 h y 16:30 h a 19:30 h


Grounding Fighting

Hyori No Kata

Sogo Budo Yoseikan

Kihon Goshin Jutsu

12:30 h a 13:30 h

Kids Class

Sunday, 30th March (morning)

10:30 h a 13:30 h

Iai Jutsu Yoseikan

Seminar Location

club tai-jitsu llanera

Polideportivo C.E.I.P Lugo de Llanera, Calle Truébano, s/n, Lugo de Llanera, Asturias

Lugo de Llanera, Asturias


636 04 83 89



General Information

The Tai-jitsu Club of Llanera, as the organizer, offers the option to manage meals and accommodation along with the course registration. Below, we provide a reference for the cost of the most common options:

Friday: 20 €

Saturday: 50 €

Sunday: 20 €

Two or three days: 60 €

Kids Class: 10 €

Meal / Dinner on any day: 20 €

Please indicate your preferences in the registration form available on this page, and we will contact you with the total price of the selected options and the payment method.

  • Seats will be reserved strictly in order of registration and payment of the corresponding amount.
  • Once the accommodation and meal spots managed by the organization are filled, attendees will need to arrange them on their own.
  • The organization has blocked a limited number of accommodation spots in various hotels and guesthouses in the area.
  • If you want to reserve meals for companions not attending the course, please indicate this in the comments section of the registration form.
  • It is essential to hold the appropriate federation license.
  • Filming the course is strictly prohibited.
  • The organization reserves the right to modify the indicated program.

Si tienes alguna duda o necesitas más información ...


– Martes 17:15 h. – 20:00  h.
– Jueves 17:15 h. – 20:00  h.
– Sábados 11:00 h. – 13:00  h.